Raise your hand if you’re a fan of Starbucks Swaps!⠀
In front of me is a grande caramel brule…

Raise your hand if you’re a fan of Starbucks Swaps!⠀ .⠀ In front of me is a grande caramel brule…

Hands up ?? if you love Starbucks Swaps!⠀ .⠀ ??On the left is a grande caramel brulee latte (450 calories)⠀ ??On the right is a grande caramel vanilla iced coffee (~90 calories)⠀ .⠀ To order ask for a grande iced coffee with 1 pump caramel brulee sauce and 1 pump sugar free vanilla. Top with…

Hands up if you love Starbucks!⠀
Fit babe: If you’re ordering Starbucks when …

Hands up if you love Starbucks!⠀ .⠀ Fit babe: If you’re ordering Starbucks when …

Hands up if you love Starbucks!??⠀ .⠀ Fit babe: If you’re ordering Starbucks when trying to lose weight, do yourself a favor and look at the damn nutrition facts?⠀ .⠀ Truth is, foods like frappuccinos, lattes, smoothies and even juices CAN fit your weight loss goals when you understand how many calories they provide!? Instead…

Have you noticed this too? ⠀
If you don’t plan ahead – it can be challengin…

Have you noticed this too? ⠀ -⠀ ⠀ If you don’t plan ahead – it can be challengin…

Have you noticed this too? ?⠀ -⠀ ⠀ If you don’t plan ahead – it can be challenging finding quick, healthy and affordable options. ? -⠀ Often, it’s just easier to grab something cheap and filling – i.e. a slice of pizza, cup of fries or a bagel with cream cheese. ? -⠀ The solution…

Hands up  if you love Starbucks Swaps!⠀
On the left is a grande caramel brule…

Hands up if you love Starbucks Swaps!⠀ .⠀ On the left is a grande caramel brule…

Hands up ?? if you love Starbucks Swaps!⠀ .⠀ ??On the left is a grande caramel brulee latte (450 calories)⠀ ??On the right is a grande caramel vanilla iced coffee (~90 calories)⠀ .⠀ To order ask for a grande iced coffee with 1 pump caramel brulee sauce and 1 pump sugar free vanilla. Top with…

Hands up  if you love Sorority Nutritionist Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutrit…

Hands up if you love Sorority Nutritionist Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutrit…

Hands up ?? if you love Sorority Nutritionist Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutritionist ✨⠀ .⠀ ??On the left is a grande caramel brulee latte (450 calories)⠀ ??On the right is a grande caramel vanilla iced coffee (~90 calories)⠀ .⠀ To order ask for a grande iced coffee with 1 pump caramel brulee sauce and 1 pump…

Hands up  if you love Starbucks Swaps by @sorority.nutritionist!⠀
Finally tri…

Hands up if you love Starbucks Swaps by @sorority.nutritionist!⠀ .⠀ Finally tri…

Hands up ?? if you love Starbucks Swaps by @sorority.nutritionist!⠀ .⠀ Finally tried Starbuck’s new Cold Brew with Dark Cocoa Almondmilk Foam? yesterday so it was about time for another FUN? weight loss swap⠀ .⠀ If you’ve followed me for a hot minute you know my stance on FUN? foods… they can fit??‍♀️ the truth…

Hands up  if you love Starbucks Swaps by @sorority.nutritionist!
Found out TOD…

Hands up if you love Starbucks Swaps by @sorority.nutritionist! . Found out TOD…

Hands up ?? if you love Starbucks Swaps by @sorority.nutritionist! . Found out TODAY? that all things pumpkin spice? are back at Starbucks, so had to get this recipe out of the TSN weight loss swaps vault??‍♀️ for you fit babes! . Full disclosure, you can have the regular pumpkin cream cold brew? and still…

Hands up  if you love Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutritionist
On the l…

Hands up if you love Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutritionist . . . On the l…

Hands up ?? if you love Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutritionist ✨ . . . ??On the left is a grande caramel brulee latte (450 calories)⠀ ??On the right is a grande caramel vanilla iced coffee (~90 calories)⠀ . To order ask for a grande iced coffee with 1 pump caramel brulee sauce and 1 pump…

Credits @charlotttequeenI’ll say it louder for the people in the back – YOU DO…

Credits @charlotttequeenI’ll say it louder for the people in the back – YOU DO…

Credits @charlotttequeen I’ll say it louder for the people in the back – YOU DONT HAVE TO EARN YOUR FOOD ??✨ ⠀ ⠀ Yes, food is fuel and overconsumption of food is not necessarily the best thing for you, but having a restrictive mindset towards food is not healthy either. Having balance can be hard…

SAVE this post for the next time you make a coffee run to StarbucksCredit to…

SAVE this post for the next time you make a coffee run to StarbucksCredit to…

SAVE ?this post for the next time you make a coffee run to Starbucks ?☕️ Credit to @lowcarb.nutrition What’s your favorite Starbucks coffee order? Let me know in the comments below?? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I thought this post was pretty appropriate for a Monday ? hehe ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Just so you know babes, some Starbucks automatically put sugar…