
渋谷に美容鍼の帰りに、すぐ近くにできた筋肉食堂行ってきました 鶏モモ肉200グラムとリブロース120グラムのミックスD定食にしました ・ これで451キロカロリ…

[ad_1] 渋谷に美容鍼の帰りに、すぐ近くにできた筋肉食堂行ってきました?? 鶏モモ肉200グラムとリブロース120グラムのミックスD定食にしました❗ ・ これで451キロカロリーだって❤玄米163キロカロリーもつけたし、デザート?99キロカロリーもつけたよ? ・ 鶏モモ肉のステーキって、こんなに美味しかったんだ❤知らなかった❗ ムキムキのイケメン店員のお兄さんたちも美味しそうだった~?✨(笑)プリプリだった❤ ・ そして❗今日は109の3階まで侵入してきたよ?? 子供たちのちょっとしたクリスマスプレゼント??買えたけど、旦那のは何も見つからなかった? ・ クリスマス当日、首にリボン?付けて、 『プレゼントは、あ・た・し❤』やろうかな?(笑) 返品されたらど~しよ~?って会話を10年くらいジムのおばちゃまと毎年繰り広げてます?(笑)今年こそは、やってみようかな?(笑) ・ #今日のランチ #筋肉食堂 #ステーキ #鶏モモ肉 #リブロース #シフォンケーキ #カロリーオフ #ヘルシーメニュー #肉 #肉活 #肉スタグラム #デザートスタグラム #低カロリー #低カロリーおやつ #ヘルシーデザート #デザート #今日のお昼ごはん #昼ごはん #定食 #lunch #steak #steakstagram #dessert #dessertstagram #healthymenu #cake #healthycake [ad_2] Source

VEGAN TOFU SHIITAKE MEATBALLS! Yesterday I wanted steak, today I wanted tofu…a…

VEGAN TOFU SHIITAKE MEATBALLS! Yesterday I wanted steak, today I wanted tofu…a…

VEGAN TOFU SHIITAKE MEATBALLS! Yesterday I wanted steak, today I wanted tofu…all about balance! These meatballs are super flavorful and hold together just like regular meatballs would! They are also super filling and paired well with a sauce like this creamy ginger-tahini one I made using @soomfoods tahini! They take about 25-30 mins to cook,…

Credit to @clairebear_bites for this delicious CRISPY CAULIFLOWER STEAK AND HERB…

Credit to @clairebear_bites for this delicious CRISPY CAULIFLOWER STEAK AND HERB…

❣️Credit to @clairebear_bites for this delicious CRISPY CAULIFLOWER STEAK AND HERBED QUINOA BOWL✨ My peeps!!!!! THIS!! Crispy crunchy cauli explosion in ya gob! Has been one of my biggest dinny triumphs! Paired with my favey quinoa, sweet pops of peas and edamame abd delicious creamy and tangy dressing. This delishy bowl of yum will make…

Mediterranean Steak Salad Bowls
{#MealPrep #FoodPrep #LunchesOnTheGo }

Mediterranean Steak Salad Bowls {#MealPrep #FoodPrep #LunchesOnTheGo } . **SCROL…

[ad_1] Mediterranean Steak Salad Bowls {#MealPrep #FoodPrep #LunchesOnTheGo ?} . **SCROLL through the pictures** . . . makes 4 servings/bowls Ingredients: 2 Tbsps Italian seasoning 2 Tbsps avocado oil, olive oil 1.5 lbs skirt steak, or rib eye Toppings 1 cup chickpeas, drained and rinsed well 1 cup mozzarella pearls 1 small red onion, thinly…

Fajita Steak Skewers .
{Weekend starts NOW }
And yep…we can keep it Clean + …

Fajita Steak Skewers . {Weekend starts NOW } . And yep…we can keep it Clean + …

[ad_1] Fajita Steak Skewers . {Weekend starts NOW ?} . And yep…we can keep it Clean + Healthy with TONS of flavor!} makes 4 servings Ingredients: 1 lb. sirloin steak 6 colorful bell peppers (green, red and yellow), cut into 11/2″ inch sized pieces 2 Tbsp avocado olive oil sea salt and fresh cracked black…

Steak Fajita Collard-Wrapped Burritos
Would You Try This Collard Wrap? Tag so…

Steak Fajita Collard-Wrapped Burritos . Would You Try This Collard Wrap? Tag so…

[ad_1] ?Steak Fajita Collard-Wrapped? Burritos ??? . Would You Try This Collard Wrap?? Tag someone who loves healthy food! ?? . Follow @mealstoeat for recipes like these! ? – by @the_organic_heart – ½ lb. grass-fed steak (such as rib-eye), sliced into strips 4 large collard green leaves 1 red bell pepper, sliced thin 1 small…



[ad_1] Hump Day PAPRIKA SALMON BOWL with MAPLE SRIRACHA SESAME SOY CAULIFLOWER STEAK! Actually I ate this Monday, butttt it’s too delicious not to share. This cauliflower was so perfect, and it has a caramelized crunch because I sprinkled the outside with some ground up gluten free crackers from @germinal.organic. I don’t make cauliflower steaks…

Protein in 100 Calories of  vs.
Protein  is an essential nutrient which your …

Protein in 100 Calories of vs. ⠀ Protein is an essential nutrient which your …

[ad_1] Protein in 100 Calories of ? vs. ? ⠀ Protein ? is an essential nutrient which your body uses to build and repair tissues. Although animal protein has some high protein levels – plant ALSO contain decent amounts! ??? ⠀ For example, greens, like broccoli ? contain plenty of folate, manganese, potassium, vitamins and…

Protein in 100 Calories of  vs. ⠀
Protein  is an essential nutrient which your…

Protein in 100 Calories of vs. ⠀ ⠀ Protein is an essential nutrient which your…

[ad_1] Protein in 100 Calories of ? vs. ?⠀ ⠀ Protein ? is an essential nutrient which your body uses to build and repair tissues. Although animal protein has some high protein levels – plant ALSO contain decent amounts! ???⠀ ⠀ For example, greens, like broccoli ? contain plenty of folate, manganese, potassium, vitamins and…

Fajita Steak Skewers
{It’s time to turn on the fire & celebrate our freedoms!

Fajita Steak Skewers {It’s time to turn on the fire & celebrate our freedoms! A…

[ad_1] Fajita Steak Skewers ???? {It’s time to turn on the fire & celebrate our freedoms!? And yep…we can keep it Clean + Healthy with TONS of flavor!} . Pin it! https://cleanfoodcrush.com/fajita-steak-skewers-clean-eating-bbq/ . makes 4 servings Ingredients: 1 lb. sirloin steak 6 colorful bell peppers (green, red and yellow), cut into 11/2″ inch sized pieces…