WOULD YOU SMASH THIS?!Credit- @peanutbutterandjillybeans

WOULD YOU SMASH THIS?!Credit- @peanutbutterandjillybeans . 3 INGREDIENT – Oven-…

WOULD YOU SMASH THIS?!??Credit- @peanutbutterandjillybeans . 3 INGREDIENT – Oven-Baked EVERYTHING POTATO CHIPS [ 30 MIN , Vegan & GF , & 124 Calories ] Crispy & Delicious. . They’re made with 3 Simple Ingredients – RED POTATOES, AVOCADO OIL, & EVERYTHING SEASONING! Imagine if an everything bagel ? & a potato chip made a…

Double tap your favorite vegan SNACK! By @plantyou
Save this idea for the nex…

Double tap your favorite vegan SNACK! By @plantyou . Save this idea for the nex…

??Double tap your favorite vegan SNACK! By @plantyou . ?Save this idea for the next time you have a SNACK ATTACK. . ?My personal favorites from this list that take less than a minute or two to have in hand are some mixed nuts, berries or my true love POPCORN. . ?What’s your favorite vegan…

Once upon a time, I fell prey to low-carb dieting. Grains and fruits were my arc…

Once upon a time, I fell prey to low-carb dieting. Grains and fruits were my arc…

[ad_1] Once upon a time, I fell prey to low-carb dieting. Grains and fruits were my arch enemies, and I could not be convinced to include them in my diet because they were terrible for my waistline. How I let myself get consumed by the propaganda, I don’t know, but I get comfort from knowing…

Yam toasts+spiced roasted chickpeas+guacamole…topped with vegan sour cream+shi…

Yam toasts+spiced roasted chickpeas+guacamole…topped with vegan sour cream+shi…

[ad_1] ?Yam toasts+spiced roasted chickpeas+guacamole…topped with vegan sour cream+shiitake bacon ?A scrumptious snack, lunch or dinner! Yams are so delicious. Have you tried them? They are starchier and drier than sweet potatoes. Sweeter than russets but not as sweet as sweet potato, making them a perfect savory ‘toast’ option. If you can’t find yams,??sweet potatoes…

Seeded rye toasts topped with cashew yogurt, roasted spiced chickpeas and shiita…

Seeded rye toasts topped with cashew yogurt, roasted spiced chickpeas and shiita…

[ad_1] ?Seeded rye toasts topped with cashew yogurt, roasted spiced chickpeas and shiitake bacon.? Hi friends. Today I’m enjoying the toppings from my yam toasts two posts back…but with rye toasts and cashew yogurt. So yummy! Happy Sunday?. ?Recipe: Drain 1 12-oz can chickpeas. Dry them by pressing with paper towels. Transfer to bowl with…

Paskutinius kelis mėnesius be saldumynų negaliu nei dienos. Maitinančios mamos t…

Paskutinius kelis mėnesius be saldumynų negaliu nei dienos. Maitinančios mamos t…

[ad_1] Paskutinius kelis mėnesius be saldumynų negaliu nei dienos. Maitinančios mamos tikrai mane supras 🙂 Taigi, vis suku galvą, kaip sveikai tą norą patenkinti. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Įdarytos datulės – vienos mylimiausių mano skanumynų. Jau vien tai, kad bene pirmas soulfood įrašas buvo apie jas, tuo tikrai neleis abejoti. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Šį kartą beprotiškai skanus derinys: juodas šokoladas…

Going off yesterday’s post, this graphic popped up and I wanted to share! .

Going off yesterday’s post, this graphic popped up and I wanted to share! . . . …

[ad_1] Going off yesterday’s post, this graphic popped up and I wanted to share! . . . Here are some perfect go to snacks! Most are quick and easy with only 1-2 ingredients. . . If you’re looking for some snack ideas check my story! Many people gave some great suggestions! ? @change_begins_with_you • •…

caramel-hazelnut bars covered with white chocolate | vegan and gluten- free.

caramel-hazelnut bars covered with white chocolate | vegan and gluten- free. . ….

[ad_1] caramel-hazelnut bars covered with white chocolate | vegan and gluten- free. . . . . . . . #veganbar#chocolatebar#caramelbar#hazelnutbar#veganbakery#veganpastry#vagansweets#homemadesweets#vegancaramel#veganchocolate#chocolatecaramel#caramelchocolate#whitechocolate#homemadechocolate#chocolateporn#caramelporn#healthychocolate#chocolatetreats#vegantreat#healthytreat#healthysweets#vegandessert#healthydessert#vegansnack#healthysnack#chocolatesnack#vegansnacks#healthysnacks#vegancomfortfood [ad_2] Source

This  with  and salt ( in bio ) is what took me 2 days to shoot and then I had t…

This with and salt ( in bio ) is what took me 2 days to shoot and then I had t…

[ad_1] This #nutbar with #chocolate and salt (#recipe in bio ?) is what took me 2 days to shoot and then I had to choose from hundreds of photos that all started looking the same after a while… Grrr, I hate my indecision. The bars are really nice though and super easy to make too,…