@libfestival brought me closer with myself and below I explain a little somethin…
@libfestival brought me closer with myself and below I explain a little something I came to realize.
I could sit here and tell you “be kind to yourself” & “love yourself”… all of which are beautiful things to say but I am being so honest with you all, I find these phrases so difficult to reach at times, and It would be silly &hypocritical of me to act as if I got it all figured out. So here’s my truth & what weighs on my heart.
Here’s the thing loves, yes I do what I love each day. I get to cook & create recipes for all of you and my heart literally explodes with happiness when you guys love what I create. The support & love brings the biggest smile to my face & I am truly forever grateful. I’m in love with the most amazing being and I’m lucky to have incredible friends and family to fill my heart with pure joy. I am loved & I know I am blessed.
I’m lucky to receive the purest love from all the people in my life from friends to even strangers. The support I receive is truly unreal and keeps me so inspired.
Although, Lets be honest…self love is HARD AS HELL, and I feel as if I’m the first one to just say it.
Do I think I’m great, successful, creative enough, special, talented…on most days the answer is no. I rarely ever cheer myself on, or think what I have created is great, enough, or express love for myself.
Hundreds or even thousands of people could cheer me on, shower me with love and warm my heart but why can’t I do it for myself? I have so much love to give but I rarely give it to myself, Or even think or say the slightest positive thing about my doing in this world. I always think I SHOULD do better and this is all a reflection of me not honoring and loving me.
I am happy to say, I am finally working on ME. Each day I am trying… trying so hard to show up for myself and I am sharing THIS to show you that you can too and to let you know you’re are never alone in how you’re feeling. It’s ok to feel. It’s ok to have dark thoughts. YOU ARE HUMAN. But you also deserve love, not just love from a lover, friend, family or a stranger but Love from YOU.
Become friends with yourself, show up for yourself :-]
Side note: this ? ?was amazing✨