#GaletteDukan façon Croque-Monsieur #dukan #régimedukan #dukandiet #instafood #d…
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Dukan Recipes – Free & Easy Dukan Diet Meal Ideas
Starting the Dukan Diet can feel overwhelming, especially when trying to make a plain chicken breast exciting. But don’t worry—I’ve been there! After about a week, I got into the swing of things, and now I’m sharing some of my favorite easy Dukan recipes to keep your meals delicious and varied.
Whether you’re looking for Dukan Diet breakfast recipes to kick-start your morning, Dukan snacks to keep cravings at bay, or Dukan Diet meal ideas for every phase, you’ll find plenty of inspiration here. These recipes are designed to make your Dukan journey easier, tastier, and more enjoyable!
✔️ PP = Pure Protein
✔️ AT = Attack Phase
✔️ P+V = Protein & Vegetable
Enjoy these healthy, simple, and effective Dukan-friendly meals! Happy cooking! 😊 x
[ad_1] #GaletteDukan façon Croque-Monsieur #dukan #régimedukan #dukandiet #instafood #dukanlifestyle #healthy #yummi [ad_2] Source
[ad_1] Ingredients list ( so simple it will blow your mind away) Fresh sea bream Salt Pepper Lemon Parsley Mixed herbs Healthy Milky SeaBream fish dinner! We love seabream because this species fish resides at the bottom of the sea; since pollution resides at the surface, fish that live at the bottom tend to taste…
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[ad_1] Hoy tengo el lujo de merendar en casa. He comido ligero y muy pronto, así que he llegado a casa con hambre. Para evitar picar cosas que no convienen me preparo estos bizcochitos exprés (se tarda 2 minutos!) y me dejan super saciada hasta la hora de cenar. Los bizcochitos los hago con la…
[ad_1] A dessert during the #dukandiet? no problem! #Repost @dukansgirls ・・・ Λεμονοταρτάκια από την Βασούλα! Δοκιμάστε την καινούργια μας συνταγή την οποία θα βρείτε στο ➡️ dukansgirls.com Καλή και γλυκιά εβδομάδα να έχετε! ? #dukansgirls #dukanforever #dukanlifestyle #dukanlife #linkinbio #dukan #dukandiet #dukanfood #dukandieta #dukanrecipes [ad_2] Source
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Всем доброе утречко?Продолжаю болеть,но готовка по ДД-это святое?Приготовила пряный кекс #ksu_кекс ?️300 г. сырой моркови? ?️2 ст.л.овсяных отрубей ?️2 яйца ?️1 ст.л.пшеничных отрубей ?️30 г сухого обезжиренного молока ?️1 ст.л.клейковины ?️1 ст.л.кукурузного крахмала ?️1 ст.л.какао до 2% ?️сах.зам и ванилин по вкусу ?️1 ч.л.разрыхлителя ?️корица,имбирь молотые по вкусу ?️цедра половины лимона Морковь натереть на мелкой…
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