Chicken Omelette

Chicken Omelette

Suitable for Pure Protein, veg & protein, consolidation phase and stabilisation phase.


  • 3 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites)
  • 1 chicken breast (diced small)
  • 1 Bacon piece diced
  • 1/2 onion diced
  • Mixed herbs
  • milk
  • 1 tablespoon of Low fat cheese


  1. Add your chicken & onion to a hot pan and brown
  2. Add in your bacon cook for another 1 minute
  3. Place your eggs into a small bowl with the herbs and a dash of milk, beat till combined
  4. Put frying pan on low heat
  5. Pour egg mixture over the chicken & bacon, place a lid (if you have one) over the pan
  6. Cook slowly for 5-8 minutes
  7. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the omelette
  8. Place the whole pan under your oven grill to brown the top of the omelette
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