Meringue Dessert

Meringue Dessert

PP = Pure Protien,     AT = Attack Phase,

I decided to experiment with a new dessert for the Dukan, this is a light & sweet treat – think pavlova. Only 2 ingredients and safe for all stages of the Dukan Diet.


  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons of sweetener


  1. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees Celsius
  2. Separate the white of 1 egg into a bowl, discard yolk (be careful not to get any yolk in the bowl, this will stop the whites getting fluffy)
  3. Beat with a mixer until peaks form
  4. Add in the sugar and continue mixing until combined
  5. Spoon large scoops onto a baking tray lined with baking paper
  6. Place in the oven for 45 mins or they dry and harden.
  7. Let cool completely before removing from tray

Serving suggestions:

Normally this type of dessert is served with cream & fruit – think pavlova.
I haven’t tried these yet but I’m considering some alterations:

  • mixing cream-cheese & vanilla essence together to serve with this instead of cream
  • also maybe a vanilla yogurt would work…
  • You could also add food colouring for something different
  • Maybe even powdered coffee, chocolate coca or cinnamon
  • Some lemon rind mixed in would be a nice flavour also

Pictured to the right is a meringue spread with cream-cheese, an odd flavour but I liked it.

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