Yatsilik oldu Kendi yaptigim yogurt, yaban mersini, portakal rendesi…
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Kendi yaptigim yogurt, yaban mersini, portakal rendesi
[ad_1] HEALTHY & TASTY BUNS without flour! 200 ml of low fat milk 2 tsp of psyllium (about10gramm) 4 tbsp of wheat gluten(100 gramm) 1.5 tsp baking powder 4 aggs pinch of sweetener pinch of salt spices on your taste Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Mix milk and psyllium in a bowl and leave…
[ad_1] || Dukan Home-made Ricotta || Recipe. INGREDIENTS: 1 liter of skim milk and 4 tablespoons of white vinegar. . PREPARATION: In a pan, on medium heat, put the milk, and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, all at the same time. . Stir gently occasionally until bubbling begins (do not boil). . Add another two…
[ad_1] Farofa Dukan Ingredients: 100g of oat bran, 1/4 calabrese sausage in cubes, 1 egg cooked and seasonings to taste. . Preparation Method: In a frying pan, fry (without oil) the calabrian until crisp. Add the oatmeal and roast a little in the sausage’s own fat. Add the boiled egg and the seasonings. . You…
[ad_1] Hepimize hayirli birgün olsun ins,bugun izin aldim sonuclandirmam gereken kagit isimiz var hayirlisi ile,sonra uzun zamandir gorusemedigim arkadasim ile bulusacagim ins,yarindan itibaren 21 gün sekersiz devam? [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Si os apetece un sándwich calentito y además queréis que sea apto para cualquier…
[ad_1] 今日のランチ #熟成肉 240g! #dukanrecipe [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Si os apetece un sándwich calentito y además queréis que sea apto para cualquier…
[ad_1] #Repost @dukancianne (@get_repost) ・・・ Chia puding 2 gun önce 1bardak sütde 1,5 y.k.chia tohumunu beklettim,vanilya aromasi kattim.cilek ve yaban mersini ile süsledim,namazdan sonra yiyecegim ins.Suyumuzu sahura kadar bolca icelim? [ad_2] Source ALSO READ Si os apetece un sándwich calentito y además queréis que sea apto para cualquier…