A peek inside our long weekend vaycay!
This was the most unplanned trip I’ve …

A peek inside our long weekend vaycay! . This was the most unplanned trip I’ve …

A peek inside our long weekend vaycay!
This was the most unplanned trip I’ve …

A peek inside our long weekend vaycay!
This was the most unplanned trip I’ve ever taken and.. I kinda loved it! I’m not someone who travels often. I’m a homebody. And I think one of the reasons I don’t travel often is also due to me feeling like every trip has to be planned to a T to maximize my time there. Like, did I do all of the things?! Did I miss out on something?! But this time? We really had NO plan. We had some great recs from you guys (thanks!) but when we got to L.A. (stayed in West Hollywood) it was kinda a day-by-day thing…. which I …. loved?!
When I had food rules this trip wouldn’t have been possible. Well, I would have been an anxious mess before, during and after. My nose would have been in MyFitnessPal the whole time trying to look up the calories in a fried goat cheese ball or the insanely expensive pink smoothie (still bought it despite the price ?) Without food rules this was enjoyable! And now that I’m about to board a plane home? There is no diet looming. There is no “working it off”. I ate in a way that felt good both mentally and physically and that? That is LiViNg my friends!! ???? I know that anyone workin’ on their relationship with food CAN get to this place too. And I LOVE that for you!
I think we’ve got more impromptu weekend trips planned. Where should we go?!


ALSO READ  In the past, I've found success in finding a balance with a 50:50 approach

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