Another #Volumeeating post for those of you with a big appetite. If you’re hungr…

Another #Volumeeating post for those of you with a big appetite. If you’re hungr…

Another #Volumeeating post for those of you with a big appetite. If you’re hungry- it’s important to fill up on higher fibre, high bulk snacks like the option on the right.
If you’re super hungry at snack time I would recommend also choosing a snack with a reasonable amount of protein – which neither of these have.


#instafoodie #instayum #foodie #ideas #idea #tasty #snacks #food #healthylifestyle #sharefood #goodfood #foodblog #healthysnackideas #healthysnackidea #snackidea #snackideas #healthysnack #volumeeating #volumetrics #volumeeater



ALSO READ  Going off yesterday’s post, this graphic popped up and I wanted to share! ......

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