Chicken Kelaguen & Cookies
I’m a high maintenance snacker. I need my snacks to be tasty, filling, and satisfying. I can’t snack on things like carrot or celery sticks because they cannot be described by a single one of those three adjectives. When I don’t have any prepped snacks and all that’s in my fridge are baby carrots or sliced peppers? IT MAKES ME SO MAD. I was hungry and now I have to either eat an early meal or have a plateful of nothing. I don’t snack on raw vegetables, I’m not a Neanderthal. Byeeeeee.⠀
The snack on the left is called Chicken Kelaguen. This is another dish that is eaten a lot in the Mariana Islands. What I like about Chicken Kelaguen is that it is eaten cold so it is a perfect snack for sitting at my desk. It’s similar to a ceviche except instead of shrimp and fish it is made with chicken. It’s mixed with onions, hot sauce, lemon juice and coconut. Lots of protein, very satisfying, plenty filling. It makes a wonderful snack. .⠀
I always love a sweet treat before bed. I’ve been eating my casein waffles most nights but when I have a batch of these chocolate chip banana muffins around I’ll reach for them instead. There’s not a lot better than a nice tall glass of whole milk and a few of these muffins warmed up in the microwave ?? Some people say you shouldn’t eat carbs before bed. I say who cares. If you are staying in calorie balance it doesn’t really make a difference. ⠀
Recipe as follows:⠀
2 ripe, frozen and thawed bananas (Non frozen is fine)⠀
1 cup all natural peanut butter ⠀
2 eggs⠀
2 Tbsp honey⠀
2 tsp vanilla⠀
1/2 tsp baking powder⠀
4 or 5 chocolate chips for each one⠀
Mix all the ingredients except the chocolate chips in a blender until smooth. Then pour into a mini muffin tin and top with 4 or 5 chocolate chips. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 7 minutes