Diet culture hypocrisy
Claim 1⃣: Our bodies are delicate flowers that

Diet culture hypocrisy . Claim 1⃣: Our bodies are delicate flowers that

Diet culture hypocrisy
Claim 1⃣: Our bodies are delicate flowers that

Diet culture hypocrisy ?
Claim 1️⃣: Our bodies are delicate flowers that need the most simple ingredients to function. So you better not put any processed foods into it! Especially not a slice of BREAD!
Claim 2️⃣: I know we said keep it as simple as possible but take the 80 supplements consisting of unicorn tears and fairy dust! Trust us…
Reality ? Diet culture creates problems to sell you a solution even if it’s contradictory.
So here is today’s PSA: we need to give our bodies more credit. You can trust your body. Yes, it takes time to learn how to listen to it and you WON’T be good at it at first but, hey, ya gotta start somewhere. With practice it gets easier and that trust strengthens.

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