Do you struggle with eating past fullness? Comment below!
Firstly, eating pas…

Do you struggle with eating past fullness? Comment below! . Firstly, eating pas…

Do you struggle with eating past fullness? ???Comment below!
Firstly, eating past fullness is normal and not necessarily bad. This week I ate past fullness because we were having my fave dinner and it was delish. ?‍♀️That’s fine! I kept an eye on my comfort level and owned my choice to keep eating. Would I want to do that daily? ?No, probs wouldn’t feel good.
Secondly, eating past fullness is SUPER normal during the initial stages of finding food freedom and learning how to eat intuitively. ?Essentially you’re playing “catch up” with food from restricting it- both overall amount and specific types. I always say to members of @the_socieaty that ?nothing is bad, even if it’s an experience that maybe doesn’t feel good like eating way past fullness and feeling stuffed.❤️
Instead of beating yourself up or feeling guilty get curious. Just observe. ?Did this feel good? Did it not? Did I enjoy the food? Was I present? Etc. Use this as a chance to learn- this is KEY to the process!
Sure, it doesn’t always feel good. Which is also why comfy clothes and positive self-talk are key. ? If you’re needing more tips on how to learn to stop eating when full & satisfied then I’ve got a blog post with TONS of tips linked in my bio for you! Hope it’s helpful!


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