Falafel Taco with falafel taco shell, Toum garlic sauce, potatoes, lettuce cucum…
Falafel Taco with falafel taco shell, Toum garlic sauce, potatoes, lettuce cucumbers, onions and Tahini Sauce.
[ad_1] Peckish? Here is a gourmet and balanced snack, not to (too) feel guilty #recettemarmiton #marmiton # kitchen # granola #balls [ad_2] Source by jnnblvt4 ALSO READ Tropical Day of Food
[ad_1] Şu çekirdek taneleri gözüme öyle battı ki ?Amacım sotelediğim havuçların üzerine serpmekti aslında (sote sebzelerin üstüne çekirdek inanılmaz yakışıyor çünkü??)Elim direk o boşluğa gidince oraya yerleştiler ,ellemek istemedim bir daha ?Yoksa çekirdek bir seçenek olarak değil orda ? ✔️Haşlanmış meksika fasulyesinden de bir püremsi bir şey yapayım dedim .İçinde kırmızı biber ,limon ,maydanoz ,baharatlar…
WHY I’M NEVER QUITTING COFFEE ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✔️Coffee contains polyphenols which may have anti-oxidant benefits ✔️Studies show a potential protective effect for some cancers as well as type 2 diabetes and heart failure?? ✔️I find it to be delicious ? ➖Max 400mg caffeine per day is ok for most. This could be 2-3 store bought coffees…
SAVE THIS FIBRE FILLED BREAKFAST RECIPE Eating enough fibre is one of my daily priorities, it is a must for helping food to move through the gut effectively and helps me to feel less sluggish. Fibre has also been shown to increase the good bacteria in our gut by acting as their food, helping bifidobacterium…
#spotthedifference #lambsalad ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you made these or similar changes to just one meal a day you save about the amount of calories needed to lose 1/4 of a kilogram (1/2 a pound) per week. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ One the left: ?1 cup cooked cous cous ? 1/3 cup roasted zucchini ? 1/4 cup roasted carrot ?…