Here’s 4 of my 2 minutes or less, healthy, protein rich breakfasts.

Here’s 4 of my 2 minutes or less, healthy, protein rich breakfasts. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1….

Here’s 4 of my 2 minutes or less, healthy, protein rich breakfasts.
1. Microwaved scrambled eggs. I prefer pan but 2 eggs in a bowl and cooked in the microwave with salt and pepper takes 1 minute. Served with toast and fresh fruit of course.
2. Ricotta in toast with fresh fruit. This one is not as high in protein but ricotta cheese has 9-10g per 100g so can be a good protein addition at breakfast.
3. Protein oats or #proats. Microwave oats for 1 minute in a small amount of milk. Then add some extra milk with protein powder – I don’t like to microwave the protein powder because I find it changes the taste but the order is up to you!
4. Protein rich yoghurt (like @yoproau @chobaniau) and fresh fruit topped with seeds.
What are your favourite quick breakfasts?

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