It’s not just about low vs high GI! Read the whole post ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ GI or Glycemi…
It’s not just about low vs high GI! Read the whole post ??
GI or Glycemic index is the measure of the effect of carbohydrate on blood glucose levels.
Following a low GI diet has been shown to have positive effects on weight & chronic disease, while high GI is detrimental.
High GI foods are broken down and absorbed quickly into our blood steam leading to a spike in blood glucose levels which promotes a spike in insulin. This spike and crash of insulin promotes fat storage and also leaves you feeling hungry sooner.
Low GI foods lead to a steadier and more controlled rise and fall of blood glucose levels. Low GI therefore keeps you fuller for longer.
However, GI should not be our only consideration when choosing a food. We should also consider the whole food. Is it nutrient rich? Some low GI foods are not nutritious (some chocolate and soft drinks in small portions for example).
The GI of other foods in the meal or snack should also be considered. A higher GI food eaten along side a low GI food will lower the GI of the overall meal or snack. (So don’t stress if you love white potatoes!) Protein in a meal also slows the absorption of carbs.
The portion of any carbohydrate food, low or high GI needs to also be factored in. You might choose low GI but if your portion size is too big it will push your blood sugar levels higher than desired.
In Australia you can look for the LowGI symbol but not all products have been tested and sometimes there is variation depending on brand. For example some mueslis have a low GI and others have a moderate GI. I have not pictured moderate GI carbs here as there simply wasn’t enough space ?
So in summary:
• Always consider the nutritional value of the WHOLE food – not just its GI
• Aim to include low GI foods at each meal/snack
• If you opt for a nutritious high GI food (ie. quick oats, white potatoes) then add a low GI or protein rich food to lower the GI of the overall meal or snack.
• Moderate portions of all carbs is important for weight and hunger control, regardless of the GI.