Is there a food you can’t stop overeating?! Comment below!
Just eating the f…

Is there a food you can’t stop overeating?! Comment below! . Just eating the f…

Is there a food you can’t stop overeating?! ???Comment below! ?
Just eating the food and calling it a day doesn’t mean you’re going to make peace with that food and stop over eating it ?‍♀️ Yes, eating the food is part of it but there is a lot more to it.
?You need to truly BELIEVE the food isn’t “bad”.
?You need to lift the limits of “I can have 2 cookies!” because your brain sees that as restriction and will want to rebel.
?If you only eat it at a certain time of day or on occasions, this is seen as restriction as well. Like, “OMG! I won’t have this for 24 hours/year/whatever! What if I want some in between?! Better get enough now!”
?You might THINK you’re over eating but it just feels different from your usual undereating days.
Think about those ? and see if any stick out to YOU.
Another thing to note is I highly recommend focusing on hunger cues before fullness cues. They can be a bit more “primal” if you will. So don’t just to fullness cues when you don’t have a good sense of hunger cues!
Need more fullness tips? I’ll link my blog post on how to stop eating well full & satisfied for you in my bio! Give it a read!


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