Setting strict limits doesn’t work.
It might work temporarily. But not long t…

Setting strict limits doesn’t work. . It might work temporarily. But not long t…

Setting strict limits doesn’t work.
It might work temporarily. But not long t…

Setting strict limits doesn’t work.
It might work temporarily. But not long term.
It’s kinda like how water builds up against a dam. Your “willpower” (which is such a facade, BTW) might do OK at first but as your desire for XYZ food builds up that wall is eventually going to come crashing down and sweep ya right into a binge session.
Another way to think about it ? tell a kid not to press the big red button… they’re gonna wanna press the big red button! Same with you and food, gorgeous. Say you can’t have it or only a certain amount and you’ll want it more!
Add that to the fact that when we diet we’re likely biologically not getting enough food so we have an ADDITIONAL pull towards the food we’re restricting, because we need more energy? It’s a recipe for disaster.
The healthiest option? To learn to live with no food rules, make peace with food, and to feel in control around all foods and all types of foods. Think it’s impossible for you? So did Valerie and Melissa. But then they followed The No Food Rules 5 step approach to eating and everything changed. They found peace with food. They began keeping the family sized Oreos in the house without guilt, stess or anxiety. They finally felt in control of their life again.
As Valerie put it ” Be patient with yourself and know that you CAN do this”
Link in bio to join Val & Melissa in The SociEATy and learn the same steps they took to regain control ❤️

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