There is no “best” time to eat!
Srsly. The “best” time to eat isn’t a time at…

There is no “best” time to eat! . Srsly. The “best” time to eat isn’t a time at…

❌There is no “best” time to eat!❌
Srsly. The “best” time to eat isn’t a time at all. It’s when you’re listening to your body, yes, but also your brain.
What I mean is, yes, we want to listen to our bodies’ cues and eat when we’re hungry but we also need to use our brains and know that just because I might not feel hunger cues doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t eat.
1️⃣ Maybe you’re reallllly not hungry in the AM. But you know it’s been a lotta hours since you ate dinner last night and your body could use some fuel so you offer it something light within a few hours of waking up (Smoothies are great for this- a lot of times drinking can be easier than eating!)
2️⃣ Maybe you’re just starting your non-diet journey and realize “OMG! I have no hunger cues!” In this case, what I teach in @the_socieaty, it’s a good idea to offer your body food every ~3-5 hours to “wake up” your hunger cues. After a long time of dieting and not listening to them they kinda go to sleep ? So there is a little bit of planned eating in the initial phases. Then once you get those cues back you can go off of them.
Listen to your body. Not a clock.⏰
And everyone might have different patterns that will feel good to their body! None are right or wrong. What matters is that you’re doing what feels good to YOU.
As you can see “listening to your body” isn’t just “listening to your body’s cues.”
Link in bio to snag a copy of my free e-book that will help you learn to actually “listen to your body”. Listening to your body isn’t always just those cues like Instagram makes you think, checkout the e-book for how to ACTUALLY do it!

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