this was my most liked, engaged, whatever else the numbers are saying of 2018 i…
this was my most liked, engaged, whatever else the numbers are saying of 2018 ✨ i mean, sweet potato toast is pretty wonderful so i can understand why it was a community favorite – it was also one of my favorite discoveries of 2018, though i simultaneously learned i dont eat it nearly enough #sweetpotatotoast #breakfast #glutenfree.
but this year was defined by more than the numbers of this account and the food i ate, it was the lessons i learned through this community and this platform that i’ll take with me into 2019. and i’m not talking to how to eat or live my life, but valuable lessons of friendship, reminding myself of what matters and how time disconnecting from social media is a blessing ☺️ it always brings me back to my WHY, why i started this account in the first place.
this year had its lows and highs like every other year, but i want to share that instagram, at the end of the day, is definitely one of my highlights ⚡️ this community has brought me new friends, a new passion and lots of new ways to embrace myself.
2019 will still be about the good eats, but i’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve ??♀️ and by tricks i just mean ideas, but either way, it’ll be a good year! and i wish the same for all of you too #fitstrongshann