ULTIMATE GUIDE TO STRENGTHEN IMMUNITYNutrition is one of 6 key factors that we…

ULTIMATE GUIDE TO STRENGTHEN IMMUNITYNutrition is one of 6 key factors that we…

ULTIMATE GUIDE TO STRENGTHEN IMMUNITYNutrition is one of 6 key factors that we…


Nutrition is one of 6 key factors that we CAN control when it comes to your how well your immune system works.

To answer some of the questions I’ve written a guide for you explaining these 6 key factors. I’ve also pulled in the experts, Immunologist @dr_jenna_macciochi and sleep expert @oliviaarezzolo to weigh in with the latest evidence on exercise and sleep.

This is definitely worth a read. Link in my bio.

#immunity #covid_19 #covid #covid19 #immunehealth #boostimmunity #immunesupport #immunesystem #healthyimmunesystem #nutrition #dietitian


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