What is in a name….
Calling something a “meal” does not a meal it make. Calli

What is in a name…. . Calling something a “meal” does not a meal it make. Calli

What is in a name….
Calling something a “meal” does not a meal it make. Calli

What is in a name….
Calling something a “meal” does not a meal it make. ?‍♀️Calling something a “super food” does not super it make. ?‍♀️No matter what Girl Boss Tina says about her morning “superfood” shake.
Calling something for what it IS?! Not that I can get down with! Meal replacement shakes are:
1️⃣ Typically less than what someone has for a SNACK
2️⃣ Not as satisfying to our bodies as chewing solid foods causing you to likely need to consume more to feel satisfied
3️⃣ Likely to cause a huge intake of food later on when your hunger comes back with vengeance
4️⃣ Usually WAY more expensive than regular, solid foods
5️⃣ Unnecessarily packed with large amounts of micronutrients (which you can get from food)
It’s not that something like a protein shake can’t be a tool for an intuitive eater. It can be! I’m a big fan of a protein shake when I need a quick pre-workout snack but don’t have time/desire to put something together ? If your appetite is low this could also be a great way to add nutrients in since a lot of times drinking feels easier than eating.
If you genuinely enjoy drinking a “superfood shake” then you have permission to enjoy that. Here is how an intuitive eater might navigate this situation ?
“Hmmmm this likely isn’t enough energy and is probably missing some nourishment from carbs and fat. This is an easy, enjoyable protein source for me so I’ll keep it but I add some peanut butter toast too!”
Make sense?! Good!?
Comment below with your thoughts or experiences! I love to hear ‘em!
PS. I have a whole blog post on meal replacement diets that really breaks it all down. I’ll link that in my bio for you!

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