What is your fave kinda holiday cookie?!?! Comment below!
Whenever I hear abo

What is your fave kinda holiday cookie?!?! Comment below! . Whenever I hear abo

What is your fave kinda holiday cookie?!?! Comment below!
Whenever I hear abo

What is your fave kinda holiday cookie?!?! ?Comment below!
Whenever I hear about “healthier” holiday swap recipe I immediately think of the Friends episode where Brad Pitt is a guest stars as “Will” and says the line ? “It’s no fat, no sugar, no dairy… It’s no good, throw it out.” Anyone else know that episode?!
While, yes, you have absolute autonomy in your food choices and can make those cookies if you like, you also have 180% permission to enjoy the REAL thing without an ounce of guilt.
Food guilt is LEARNED. We were taught to feel this way when eating “bad” foods per diet culture standards. While that is sh*tty it’s also a good thing because it means you can UNLEARN it! ?
Here are some tips to unlearn food guilty ?
1️⃣ Allow yourself to eat those foods you feel guilty about MORE. This is essentially exposure therapy and something I teach in @the_socieaty. But don’t feel the need to do this with ALL of the foods you feel guilty over. Start with one to “normalize”. Doing all of the things at once is typically too overwhelming for the majority of people.
2️⃣ Actively re-wire your brain and teach it a new way of thinking by doing some self-talk as you eat the food saying things like “Guilt isn’t an ingredient so I won’t add it” or “I deserve to enjoy this food!” or “Some foods nourish our bodies more and some our souls. We need and deserve both!”
Doing both of those things will help you to remove food guilt and learn to eat foods in a way that feels good both mentally and physically- i.e. listening to your body!
Link in bio to snag my full intuitive eating healthy holiday tip sheet for more!


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