Which of these is stressing you out the most?!
If you’re feeling the “pull” t

Which of these is stressing you out the most?! . If you’re feeling the “pull” t

Which of these is stressing you out the most?!
If you’re feeling the “pull” t

Which of these is stressing you out the most?!?
If you’re feeling the “pull” to diet right now know you aren’t alone. We have been talking about this a lot in @the_socieaty lately and all of these ? are likely the cause. But when it comes down to it the pull to diet usually isn’t about the food at all. It’s not even about our bodies. Being able to identify why the desire to pick out a new juice cleanse feels strong is the first step to fighting the pull.
Whenever you feel the pull to diet ask yourself this ? “What else is going on?” SociEATy members know this all too well ? If you’ve got a Christmas party coming up and you’re worried about the dress you’re wearing then you’re probably going to have extra poor body image leading up to it. If you are feeling extra tension with family members that can heighten stress and you’ll search for “control” in a diet. Or maybe you are dreading hearing Cousin Tina brag about her kids again ?which causes you to feel comparisonitis so you look for a way to “improve” yourself and fall prey to the unrealistic and wrong promises of a diet.
The first step is being AWARE of the root cause. So just noodle that one today!
The next step? is to make a choice of what you do with your thoughts. Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean you have to act on it. ?‍♀️What you DO matters more. So keep nourishing that body. Keep enjoying your Christmas cookies while making memories and skip the no sugar, no fat, no good faux cookies you hate.
The pull to diet is strong this time of year but you’re stronger. Go back to what you know is true in your gut and work towards the life YOU want to live, not the one that diet culture marketing teams want you to desire.
If you’re needing an extra boost of support join us in @the_sociEATy intuitive eating membership community. Link in bio!

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