Which side would you pick?!?!  Comment below!
I know a lot of non-diet accoun…

Which side would you pick?!?! Comment below! . I know a lot of non-diet accoun…

Which side would you pick?!?!  Comment below!
I know a lot of non-diet accoun…

Which side would you pick?!?! ?? Comment below!
I know a lot of non-diet accounts say “Don’t eat the bell pepper!” but I’m here to say you can. But you can also NOT.
Neither of these options are “better” or “worse”. A bell pepper is not bread. Abso-freakin-lutely not. But hey, maybe adding some fixins to the inside is a fun way to eat a veggie! I’d probs add some crackers on the side to give my body carbs- I won’t be satisfied or have energy without them (our bodies DO need then… srynotsry Keto Karen.) If i’m lookin’ for just a small snack maybe it’ll do, but def not a meal.
Personally, I’m a sammie fan (if you watch my stories you know this ?) they’re easy, they’re fueling, and they’re tasty! ? I like to use some gentle nutrition and stack my sammies high with some protein, veggie and some fat to make sure they give me long lasting energy.
When you can start to see foods as what they truly ARE not as “high calorie, I shouldn’t have!” or “low calorie, always better!” you find peace. Awareness of nutrition info, like the energy density of a food, is actually KEY to intuitive eating, but that doesn’t mean it dictates your choice. If I know something is low in calories I’m going to add to it. If something is super dense then eating a lot of it might not feel good sitting in my tummy.
Gentle nutrition is where it’s at, folks. I GEEK out about it! So much so that I made you a free e-book with a full 7 day plan to help you implement gentle nutrition in a non-diet way! Link in bio to snag it!

ALSO READ  Here’s 4 of my 2 minutes or less, healthy, protein rich breakfasts.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀1....


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