Why “just cutting back” doesn’t work.
Imagine this  You have to breath throug…

Why “just cutting back” doesn’t work. . Imagine this You have to breath throug…

Why “just cutting back” doesn’t work.
Imagine this  You have to breath throug…

Why “just cutting back” doesn’t work.
Imagine this ? You have to breath through a straw. You’re getting some air but, like, not enough. It’s fine for a bit but after some time you’re like “holy moly I need more air than this!” when you take the straw away you take some biiiiiig inhales of breath, right?! Same thing with food.
Even if you let yourself eat and just cut back a wee bit (which in reality is probably a lot bit) it’ll likely backfire.
Instead? Try this ➡️ Get rid of a “plan” of what to do and allow your body to tell you what it needs. It WILL. It absolutely takes time for this to happen. Social media makes it seem like we can just “listen to your bodies” like it’s as easy as turning on a light switch but it’s not. It takes time working on the right steps, in the right order to get there.
If you’re looking at this and thinking the whole “listen to your body thing” is tough then click the link in my bio to learn a proven, structured, step-wise process to truly master intutive eating and make listening to your body second nature ❤️


ALSO READ  Creamy Savory Steel Cut Oats with Roasted Garlic, Spinach and Parmesan with mushrooms and asparagus⠀

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