Back with another another non-plant-based meal Too simple or just right?I’m n…
Back with another another non-plant-based meal ? Too simple or just right?
I’m not a bragger, but I hate being called a liar because I am not one. I do not flash my qualifications or act like I know it all because it is not my style ? On my @wellnesswithsomi page, I talked about why we should worry a little less about eating fish due to mercury poisoning, and I was called out for spreading lies by a passionate vegan. I’m not mad about that at all, I understand.
In addition to providing the recipe for this wild salmon and ?? noodle stir-fry, I’ve talked about this issue again in more detail and included studies to back up my claims. ✨If you live close to and source fish from an industrially-polluted area, you’ll naturally be exposed to more mercury than people who live outside of these areas, so please keep this in mind too.
You can find the recipe on my blog. Tap the ? in my bio, swipe up on my stories or paste this ? in your browser: