Beans and lentils are great sources of proteins for vegans, but they sometimes c…
Beans and lentils are great sources of proteins for vegans, but they sometimes come with unpleasant side effects. The more often you eat them, the better you’re able to tolerate them especially if you cook them with spices like fennel, coriander, ginger and cumin.
Some beans are harder on my digestive system than others. For example when I eat larger beans like kidney beans, butter beans or chickpeas, my body needs a good 6 hours to digest properly. With smaller beans like haricot beans or black eyed beans, it takes around 4 hours.
Whenever I need to take a break from eating beans and lentils, I load up on peas. I never ever have problems with peas and they contain just as much protein as lentils and beans. If you find you can’t do beans, definitely give peas a go.
In my bowl today ? herbed millet, stewed mushrooms, cherry ?, runner beans and peas. #veganbysomi