None of us should feel guilty for eating a donut, but most of us do.
Let’s tak…

None of us should feel guilty for eating a donut, but most of us do. ⠀ Let’s tak…

None of us should feel guilty for eating a donut, but most of us do.
Let’s tak…

None of us should feel guilty for eating a donut, but most of us do.

Let’s take a look at what that guilt really gives us. Guilt = fear of foods, lack of control around food, a restrict and binge mentality, no clear idea of what’s best for our bodies, constant stress when deciding what to eat, and sometimes we even avoid places and people we love so we don’t have to be around the foods that make us feel bad (think any social function with food).

Now let’s look at what we get when we let go of guilt. We get our lives back, we can stop eating when we’re full, we don’t have to avoid people, places, or things that involve food, our stress around food is gone and the restrict/binge mentality fades away.

Sounds like we need to spend less time feeling guilty and more time trying to get back in tune with our body signals.

What would you gain if you let go of the guilt? I’d love to hear from you ?
Credit: @drclaudiatfelty ⠀

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