Reminder: Do NOT feel guilty for ANY of these things!
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Reminder: Do NOT feel guilty for ANY of these things! Post by . …

Reminder: Do NOT feel guilty for ANY of these things!
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✨Reminder✨: Do NOT feel guilty for ANY of these things!
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Feeling guilty for skipping a workout, for eating a cupcake ? for breakfast, or not having cellulite free legs is something that society has taught us to feel. But, in reality, there is ZERO reason to feel guilty for any of those things. ?‍♀️You deserve to rest your body. You deserve to enjoy sugar/fat/carbs. ❤️It’s your human right to enjoy all of this!
Feeling guilt is a learned behavior. And one that you can UNlearn. ? Girlfriends in the SociEATy know I am FIRM believer in using mantras & affirmations. Afterall, our feelings of guilt stem from our thought that we SHOULD feel guilty. So, instead, next time you feel that way change you THOUGHT. ? Say an affirmation, like “I deserve to enjoy food.” or “My body is asking for what it needs.” Keep repeating it over, and over. ?? Eventually, you will learn to believe THOSE thoughts, VS the diet culture ones.


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