Swipe left .Post 1 : We all know how important it is to drink enough water. I …
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Post 1 :
We all know how important it is to drink enough water. I certainly do not need to enumerate the health benefits, because you already know them.
I would like to give you a hint but with regard to losing weight.
Only by a sufficient water supply, the body works optimally. Thus, water supports the metabolic processes in the body.
In addition, the body can not distinguish between hunger and thirst. Therefore, it may be useful to drink a glass of water during hunger, to wait a moment and then to look again at the time when you were really hungry or just thirsty.
A routine to increase your daily water needs may be to get used to drinking a glass of water before each meal.
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Post 2 :
Also in this example is the magic word: calorie density.
Isn‘t it fierce how many tasty strawberries you can eat for the same calories as opposed to 100g of ice cream
Of course, here too the guiding principle applies: Balance is the key
Have a lovely day everyone!?
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? All credits to respective thanks owner(s) // @_schneiderreich?
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