What’s your favourite nut?? 100 Calories in Nuts
I love nuts… Double tap if y…

What’s your favourite nut?? 100 Calories in Nuts I love nuts… Double tap if y…

What’s your favourite nut?? 100 Calories in Nuts
I love nuts… Double tap if y…

What’s your favourite nut?? ?100 Calories in Nuts?
??‍♀️ I love nuts… Double tap if you do too…

Eating nuts as part of a healthy diet may be good for your heart. Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients. And they’re a great snack food — inexpensive, easy to store and easy to pack when you’re on the go.
One drawback to nuts is that they’re high in calories, so
If you are serious about reaching your goals, wether it be losing weight or gaining muscle its good to have an idea of what you are putting in your body…

Im not saying you have to follow macros or necessarily count calories everyday but be aware and #knowyourfood It’ll make your goals a reality a lot sooner than you think… –

I could easily eat 1000 calories of nuts in one sitting without thinking twice…
Seriously though who can just stop at a few?? I know I can’t… ??‍♀️

100 calories gets you…

3 / 15g Brazil Nuts
14 / 17g Almonds
5 / 14g Pecans
11 / 18g Cashews 
4 / 15g Walnuts
5 / 14g Macadamias
21 / 18g Unshelled Pistachios
10 /16g Hazelnuts
So whats your favourite nut?? Mine would have to be Almonds & Cashews… .

Hope you found this helpful ?
? @change_begins_with_you
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