With just three ingredients, anything is popsicle!  Here is my homemade creamsic…

With just three ingredients, anything is popsicle! Here is my homemade creamsic…

With just three ingredients, anything is popsicle! ?? Here is my homemade creamsicle recipe that literally takes less than 5 minutes to prep.⠀
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All you need is: some popsicle molds, a cup of orange juice (can be home squeezed or store bought), coconut milk, and vanilla. Pro tip: if you taste the oj and it’s not as sweet as you would like, add 2 tablespoons of agave or honey to sweeten it up a bit!⠀
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Blend all ingredients together or whisk them well in a bowl if you don’t have a blender. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for 3-4 hours until they’re set. Pop them out of the molds and enjoy! Save this recipe for later because it’s gonna be a hot summer. Orange ya glad you did?⠀
Credit to @caligirlgetsfit ✨⠀
#recipeshare #veganrecipes #homemadepopsicles #easyrecipes #easyveganrecipes #healthytreats #cookingathome #snacksforkids #summertreats #simpleingredients #eatbetternotless #popsicle #coldpop


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