NOPE I DIDN’T BURN MY PANCAKES! BUT, I DID make some BLACK pancakes this morning…

NOPE I DIDN’T BURN MY PANCAKES! BUT, I DID make some BLACK pancakes this morning…

NOPE I DIDN’T BURN MY PANCAKES! BUT, I DID make some BLACK pancakes this morning. And they tasted damn good. I added some activated charcoal to my @lakantosweetener pancake mix, which created this crazy black color ?I’ve been using charcoal for years for a lot of different uses, including digestion, skincare and teeth whitening and…

To lose weight and stay in shape, it is important to burn more calories than you…

To lose weight and stay in shape, it is important to burn more calories than you…

[ad_1] To lose weight and stay in shape, it is important to burn more calories than you consume. Exercise and sports can burn significant calories. The number of calories you burn depends on your weight and physical capabilities, the sport or activity and intensity level. While the minimum recommended aerobic exercise is 150 minutes per…

If you’re looking to lose fat, you first need…

*HOW TO REALLY BURN FAT* ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you’re looking to lose fat, you first need…

[ad_1] *HOW TO REALLY BURN FAT* ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you’re looking to lose fat, you first need to stop believing that there is a magic food, liquid, fancy wrap or supplement that will do the work for you. Typically all the things on the left. There isn’t. And if you’ve tried any of those in the…

hey there everyone. I made this graphic to help YOU lose weight…

BURN MORE FAT . hey there everyone. I made this graphic to help YOU lose weight…

[ad_1] ?BURN MORE FAT? . ? hey there everyone. I made this graphic to help YOU lose weight. . ?Please remember that it takes 3500 calories to burn a single pound of fat! . ?If you use all 14 of these things and still eating tubs of Ice cream then these strategies won’t work! ….

Best Foods For Fat Loss –
Unfortunately, no actual food will direcy burn excess …

Best Foods For Fat Loss – Unfortunately, no actual food will direcy burn excess …

[ad_1] ?Best Foods For Fat Loss? – Unfortunately, no actual food will direcy burn excess body fat. As cool as it would be to eat a blueberry and the compounds within it go straight to the love handles and eliminate them completley, it doesn’t work that way. Now, while no food directly does this, there…