Raise your hand if you’re a fan of Starbucks Swaps!⠀
In front of me is a grande caramel brule…

Raise your hand if you’re a fan of Starbucks Swaps!⠀ .⠀ In front of me is a grande caramel brule…

Hands up ?? if you love Starbucks Swaps!⠀ .⠀ ??On the left is a grande caramel brulee latte (450 calories)⠀ ??On the right is a grande caramel vanilla iced coffee (~90 calories)⠀ .⠀ To order ask for a grande iced coffee with 1 pump caramel brulee sauce and 1 pump sugar free vanilla. Top with…

Are you a brown or white egg fan?
Post by @balanced.eating.dietitian⁣Have y…

Are you a brown or white egg fan? Post by @balanced.eating.dietitian⁣Have y…

Are you a brown or white egg fan? Post by @balanced.eating.dietitian ? ⁣Have you ever wondered what is the difference? ⁣⁣ Diet culture demonizes foods for silly reasons and often without scientific evidence. ?⁣ ⁣⁣ Here are a couple of examples! ⁣ ⁣⁣ 1️⃣ Brown vs. White eggs:⁣ ⁣⁣ ? Aside from the colour of…

Credit: @wholesome_lee
Follow  @wholesome_lee for more!Are you a fan of chocol…

Credit: @wholesome_lee Follow @wholesome_lee for more!Are you a fan of chocol…

Credit: @wholesome_lee Follow @wholesome_lee for more!❤️ Are you a fan of chocolate dipped strawberries? ? ? For days when I want more volume, this snack is my favorite sweet snack!!❤️ ?On the left we have 50g chocolate ?On the right we have 250g strawberries. I then melt 25g chocolate and stir in 1 tbsp almond…

Who is or was a orange chicken fan?
Grab a friend & the ingredients below and m…

Who is or was a orange chicken fan? Grab a friend & the ingredients below and m…

[ad_1] Who is or was a orange chicken fan? Grab a friend & the ingredients below and make this delicious orange cauli “chicken” that tastes bomb but makes you feel like a million bucks post meal ❤️ Ingredients: 1 Cauliflower, About 3-4 cups 1/2 cup purple cabbage, diced 1/2 onion, diced 1/2 tsp salt 1/4…

HEALTHY vs HEALTHY (read this caption!!)
Let me just say that I am a BIG FAN o…

HEALTHY vs HEALTHY (read this caption!!) – Let me just say that I am a BIG FAN o…

[ad_1] HEALTHY vs HEALTHY?? (read this caption!!) – Let me just say that I am a BIG FAN of eating HEALTHY FOOD (of course?). However, trying to reach any fitness goal (fat loss/muscle gain) by simple “eating healthy” can be a frustrating journey.. ? – Let me explain.? 3 years ago I didn’t know a…

Call me crazy, but I’ve never really been a fan of smoothie bowls  there’s somet…

Call me crazy, but I’ve never really been a fan of smoothie bowls there’s somet…

[ad_1] Call me crazy, but I’ve never really been a fan of smoothie bowls ?‍♀️ there’s something about having to eat the smoothie that just takes WAY too long for me (although I think slowing down while eating might be the point ?) I much prefer my usual simple morning smoothie in a huge mason…

Who’s a bagel fan
Tested out these little guys for  @blissf…

MINI SESAME BAGELS! Who’s a bagel fan Tested out these little guys for @blissf…

[ad_1] MINI SESAME BAGELS! Who’s a bagel fan ??‍♀️ Tested out these little guys for @blissfulgatherings BRUNCH (more info on that on my IG stories and on blissfulgatheringsevents.com) Also announced some fun things for all my SD loves on the stories today involving @junon_jewelry ! #vegan #bagels [ad_2] Source

You don’t see  on my feed very often because I’m not a huge fan, but it doesn’t …

You don’t see on my feed very often because I’m not a huge fan, but it doesn’t …

[ad_1] You don’t see ? on my feed very often because I’m not a huge fan, but it doesn’t mean I don’t eat them at all. – That said, I will fail miserably on the ? diet ?Put me on the ? diet and it would be a completely different story ? – So what’s…

Poke Bowl 1 or 2?
1. Salmon Rainbow Pokebowl  I’m a big fan of pokes so I tho…

Poke Bowl 1 or 2? ⠀ 1. Salmon Rainbow Pokebowl I’m a big fan of pokes so I tho…

[ad_1] Poke Bowl 1 or 2? ?????? ⠀ 1. Salmon Rainbow Pokebowl ? I’m a big fan of pokes so I thought I’d definitely give it a try at home ? Had this bowl topped with a bit of teriyaki sauce and it totally hit the spot?Details ? steamed rice topped with salmon dices +…