أكـيد عندكم ذاك الشخص اللي كـل ماسفّلت فيك الحياة وزعلتك بس يجي على بالك يهون كل…

أكـيد عندكم ذاك الشخص اللي كـل ماسفّلت فيك الحياة وزعلتك بس يجي على بالك يهون كل…

[ad_1] أكـيد عندكم ذاك الشخص اللي كـل ماسفّلت فيك الحياة وزعلتك بس يجي على بالك يهون كل شيء، تحسه إنتصارك الوحيد ☹️? . . عنـي هذا الشخص هـي أختي ??‍♀️ ????أكثر أنسانه ممكن تتحمل #حلطمتي . . وأنتــو اعترفوا مين اللي يجي ع بالكم ومتحمل ضيمكم??? . . . . __________________________________ كود الخصم رؤى الطبيعة??:Shoo15…

SMOOTHIE SATURDAY CONE! Hey @mikeys your tortillas make awesome ice cream cones …

SMOOTHIE SATURDAY CONE! Hey @mikeys your tortillas make awesome ice cream cones …

SMOOTHIE SATURDAY CONE! Hey @mikeys your tortillas make awesome ice cream cones ? Post spin kabocha-turmeric smoothie thrown into this homemade ice-cream cone, topped with @purely_elizabeth granola, bluebs and @crazyrichardspb cashew buttah! Does it get any better? Happy Saturday loves! • • • Smoothie: kabocha squash, cauliflower, turmeric, cinnamon, @so_delicious yogurt, almond milk, @sunwarriortribe and…

Credit to @kirstyzammitThis weeks what I eat in a day where I hit 2174 calorie…

Credit to @kirstyzammitThis weeks what I eat in a day where I hit 2174 calorie…

Credit to @kirstyzammit This weeks what I eat in a day where I hit 2174 calories! The calories on the myfitnesspal screenshots will be slightly different as I workout my calories based on what macronutrients I eat. Some days it won’t be far off and others it can be over 50 calories difference! I do…

Not so basic salads!  These are a few of my fav’s  Looking forward to getting ba…

Not so basic salads! These are a few of my fav’s Looking forward to getting ba…

[ad_1] Not so basic salads! ? These are a few of my fav’s ? Looking forward to getting back to making my own meals after a quick trip to Toronto and eating out for the past few days! _ ◾1) Pick a Green Base – Usually go with romaine lettuce, spring mix, or field greens…

More food, same weight!!
Creds @em_wizzfit
That’s right friends, 7 weeks sinc…

More food, same weight!! Creds @em_wizzfit – That’s right friends, 7 weeks sinc…

[ad_1] More food, same weight!! ? Creds @em_wizzfit✨ – That’s right friends, 7 weeks since my diet ended and I am eating 500 CALORIES MORE a day. And I’m the SAME WEIGHT (actually a little bit lighter but let’s not obsess over the details) ? – I am spreading the extra calories fairly evenly among…

Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of …

Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of …

[ad_1] Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous conditions. If you want more selected info and follow my profile. Thanks ?Comment below ? ? Creds @starathletes_…

Healthy breakfast ideas  Which one is your favorite?  1, 2, 3,4, 5, or 6?
By @…

Healthy breakfast ideas Which one is your favorite? 1, 2, 3,4, 5, or 6? . By @…

[ad_1] Healthy breakfast ideas ?? Which one is your favorite? ? 1, 2, 3,4, 5, or 6? . By @zestmylemon ✨? —————— #breakfast #healthyfood #yummy #food #health #egg #veggie #healthydinner #healthyfoods #eatinghealthy #healthymeals #eatrealfood #healtylife #cleanfood #healthiswealth #eatcleantraindirty #healthyeats #healthybreakfast #postworkout #wholefoods #eatright #foodisfuel [ad_2] Source

Today I want to talk a little bit about CALORIE DEFICITS and fat/weight loss an…

Today I want to talk a little bit about CALORIE DEFICITS and fat/weight loss an…

[ad_1] ???? Today I want to talk a little bit about CALORIE DEFICITS and fat/weight loss and what’s actually healthy. _ I think most of us know by now that if you want to achieve weight loss, you have to be in a calorie deficit, i.e. eating less than the amount of energy you burn…

Enjoy a nice breakfast or a tasty snack!!
#mealprepsunday #goodfats #f…

Enjoy a nice breakfast or a tasty snack!!…..#mealprepsunday #goodfats #f…

[ad_1] Enjoy a nice breakfast or a tasty snack!! . . . . . #mealprepsunday #goodfats #fitfood #eatgoodfeelgood #foodisfuel #fitfoodie #mealprepideas #mealprepdaily #justeatrealfood #mealprepster #cleaneats #fooddiary #mealprepkingz #healthyfoodideas #whatsonmyplate #mealprepcontainer #gymfood #healthysnacks #fitnessmeals #cleaneating #fitfoodporn #mealpreponfleek #mealprepping #weightlossjourney2018 #mealprepping #gymfood #iliftbro #simplyfitsociety [ad_2] Source

Keep it simple and healthy this week!!!…..#mealprepsunday #goodfats #fit…

Keep it simple and healthy this week!!!…..#mealprepsunday #goodfats #fit…

[ad_1] Keep it simple and healthy this week!!! . . . . . #mealprepsunday #goodfats #fitfood #eatgoodfeelgood #foodisfuel #fitfoodie #mealprepideas #mealprepdaily #justeatrealfood #mealprepster #cleaneats #fooddiary #mealprepkingz #healthyfoodideas #whatsonmyplate #mealprepcontainer #gymfood #healthysnacks #fitnessmeals #cleaneating #fitfoodporn #mealpreponfleek #mealprepping #weightlossjourney2018 #mealprepping #gymfood #iliftbro #simplyfitsociety [ad_2] Source