
⎔ 下酒前菜拚盤:薩拉米、無花果蔓越梅…

2019.1.26 又是吃喝飽足的一天,太久沒練習喝酒了,竟然喝得有點茫,少一位戰鬥力真的有差,好弱~  菜單: ⎔ 下酒前菜拚盤:薩拉米、無花果蔓越梅…

[ad_1] 2019.1.26 又是吃喝飽足的一天,太久沒練習喝酒了,竟然喝得有點茫,少一位戰鬥力真的有差,好弱~  菜單: ⎔ 下酒前菜拚盤:薩拉米、無花果蔓越梅果乾、堅果、檸檬花枝脆餅拼盤 ⎔ 新鮮生魚片:鮪魚中腹肉、甘仔魚生、比目魚生魚片拼盤 ⎔ 鹽麴柚香魷魚漬蘿蔔白菜 ⎔ 香料醋漬蔬菜(白花耶、蜜番茄、玉米筍、小黃瓜) ⎔ 白菜甜椒粉絲豆腐煲 ⎔ 日式起司漢堡排 ⎔ 煎豌豆袍子甘藍 ⎔ 胡麻豆腐拌菠菜 ⎔ 香酸甜十分夠味的當季草莓  看完這一串菜單,有沒有覺得我們好像吃得很過分?所有的蔬菜都是當季在地,新鮮度讓蔬菜本身的滋味真的沒話說,唯一殘念覺得鹽麴柚香魷魚漬蘿蔔白菜,太晚做,還有點還不夠入味,再放一天風味會更剛好。飽到晚餐直接跳過,喝杯菊花茶,配一小塊老店的蛋糕,解酒!      #we一起吃午餐 #午餐 #lunch #在家吃 #lunchtime #cookingathome #kitchenlife #inthekitchen #お昼ごはん #ランチ #healthyfood #healtheyliving #healthymenu #eatingathome #homecooking #おうちごはん #おうちご飯 #onthetable #foodphoto #foodpic #KURASHIRU #KAUMO #foodoftheday #f52grams #we在家聚會…

#lunchtime #cookingathome #kitchenlife

#lunchtime #cookingathome #kitchenlife

[ad_1] 2019.1.23 煮一碗蕃茄牛肉麵請日本媽媽友吃,宣揚一下台灣美食。今天的牛肉麵加了較多的牛筋,煮的軟爛好好吃~第一次做的酸菜還是不夠酸香,回台灣要好好跟嫂嫂嬸嬸們請益了~ . . #牛肉麺 #台湾グルメ #we一起吃午餐 #午餐 #lunch #在家吃 #lunchtime #cookingathome #kitchenlife #inthekitchen #お昼ごはん #ランチ #healthyfood #healtheyliving #healthymenu #eatingathome #homecooking #おうちごはん #おうちご飯 #onthetable #foodphoto #foodpic #KURASHIRU #KAUMO #foodoftheday #f52grams [ad_2] Source

Rántott csirkemell édesburgonyával salátával‍?‍                              …

Rántott csirkemell édesburgonyával salátával‍?‍ …

[ad_1] ?Rántott csirkemell édesburgonyával salátával????‍????‍? #lowcarb #chicken #salad #yummy #fitfood #diet #fit #eathealthy #eatfit #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #fitfam #fitness #food #fitnessfood #lunch #foodstagram #foodporn #foodblogger #foodlover #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslife #lifestyle #ikozosseg #lunchtime #sweetpotato #mutimiteszel #mutimiteszel_fitt [ad_2] Source

Cranberry Chicken Salad on Apple Slices {Lunchtime!!! Ok…so if you’ve already…

Cranberry Chicken Salad on Apple Slices {Lunchtime!!! Ok…so if you’ve already…

Cranberry Chicken Salad on Apple Slices ???? {Lunchtime!!! Ok…so if you’ve already eaten lunch, this also makes an amazing afternoon snack!} Makes 4 light servings Ingredients 2 cooked chicken breast, chopped ½ cup dried cranberries ⅓ cup chopped roasted pecans ⅓ cup crisp celery, sliced thin 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt ½ tsp curry powder…

Tuna Salad + Chipotle Dressing {Lunchtime  What’s on YOUR plate today?}

Tuna Salad + Chipotle Dressing {Lunchtime What’s on YOUR plate today?} . . . ma…

[ad_1] Tuna Salad + Chipotle Dressing {Lunchtime ???? What’s on YOUR plate today?} . . . makes 2 servings for the chipotle dressing: 3 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt 1-2 cloves fresh garlic, minced ¼ tsp sea salt ½ tsp ground chipotle pepper 1 tsp smoked paprika 1 tsp onion…

Turkey + Zoodle Bolognese
. {Lunchtime! Just REALLY in the mood for pasta…AND…

Turkey + Zoodle Bolognese . {Lunchtime! Just REALLY in the mood for pasta…AND…

[ad_1] Turkey + Zoodle Bolognese ? . {Lunchtime! ?Just REALLY in the mood for pasta…AND it’s FRESH ZUCCHINI season…PLUS, Spiralizers are on SALE on Amazon today!? . ?Cleanfoodcrush.com/Spiralizer . makes 4 servings Ingredients: 1 Tbsp avocado oil, or olive oil 2 carrots, diced very small 1 small red onion, diced 2 celery ribs, diced small…

It’s #Lunchtime
What’s on YOUR plate today?
Hopefully you’re enjoying lots of f…

It’s #Lunchtime What’s on YOUR plate today? Hopefully you’re enjoying lots of f…

[ad_1] It’s #Lunchtime ?? What’s on YOUR plate today? Hopefully you’re enjoying lots of fresh produce that Summer has given to us this year! Fresh summertime #tomatoes are my all time fave! As a young girl I would walk out into the garden with a salt shaker, and devour them!??? #HappyNewWeek MAKE it a #GREAT…