Hoy en el día del nutri ‍️? te dejo una opción de snack.
¿Cuál es tu fruta fav…

Hoy en el día del nutri ‍️? te dejo una opción de snack. – ¿Cuál es tu fruta fav…

[ad_1] Hoy en el día del nutri ??‍♀️? te dejo una opción de snack. – ?¿Cuál es tu fruta fav?. – Una de mis favoritas es la manzana ? pero con limón y chile ?. – A mis pacientes normalmente les recomiendo incluir fruta como snack ? porque puede ser súper práctica, te da saciedad…

I don’t believe in measuring everything all the time, but every once in awhile…

️ I don’t believe in measuring everything all the time, but every once in awhile…

[ad_1] ?⚖️ I don’t believe in measuring everything all the time, but every once in awhile it’s important to measure/weigh things to RECALIBRATE OUR EYEBALLS?. That is a ?pro-tip. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The pictures above show you why.⤴️ ?On the left is a measured 1 tablespoon serving of peanut butter + an apple. A totally satisfying snack….

Who else never wants to cook dinner when they come home from work? ‍️
I gotcha…

Who else never wants to cook dinner when they come home from work? ‍️ . I gotcha…

[ad_1] Who else never wants to cook dinner when they come home from work? ??‍♀️ . I gotcha covered with this easy lazy girl lasagna recipe- all you gotta do is throw all the ingredients into the pot and serve- less than 10 minutes total! Sometimes I have no patience to layer lasagna noddles- especially…

Ever been confused about what nutrition information is actually true?!⠀

Ever been confused about what nutrition information is actually true?!⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀…

? Ever been confused about what nutrition information is actually true?!?⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ By @diet.culture.rebel ✨⠀ .⠀ ?‍♀️Tag a friend who would enjoy this!⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #heathyliving #nutritionist #lifesyle #mealpre #weighloss #breakfastchallenge #healthydiet #healthyfoodporn #fitfoodie #heathyfood #healthyactivelifestyle #lifestylechange #fitfood #healthybody #healthyeats #healthysnacks #healthyhabits #healthyoptions #healthybreakfastideas #fitnessfoodie #healthymealideas #mealprepideas #healthyish #eatingclean #cleaneats #healthyfoodie⠀ Source

Vitamin D plays a key role in immune function.
As well as the above th…

Vitamin D plays a key role in immune function. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As well as the above th…

Vitamin D plays a key role in immune function. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As well as the above there is some early research that suggests that vitamin D levels are linked with severity of COVID-19. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Winter and the fact that generally we’re also spending more time inside means that our risk of Vitamin D deficiency is higher….

Hands up  if you love Sorority Nutritionist Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutrit…

Hands up if you love Sorority Nutritionist Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutrit…

Hands up ?? if you love Sorority Nutritionist Starbucks Swaps! By @sorority.nutritionist ✨⠀ .⠀ ??On the left is a grande caramel brulee latte (450 calories)⠀ ??On the right is a grande caramel vanilla iced coffee (~90 calories)⠀ .⠀ To order ask for a grande iced coffee with 1 pump caramel brulee sauce and 1 pump…

Who wants to subjugate themselves to a life of eating bland food and never havin…

Who wants to subjugate themselves to a life of eating bland food and never havin…

[ad_1] Who wants to subjugate themselves to a life of eating bland food and never having any fun while eating? Seems like a lot of people fear that will be their fate if they start living a healthy lifestyle. – The good news is that this is really blown out of the water and doesn’t…

Who here feels like they’re in a never ending battle to get “someone” (your part…

Who here feels like they’re in a never ending battle to get “someone” (your part…

[ad_1] Who here feels like they’re in a never ending battle to get “someone” (your partner, child, or even yourself!) to eat salad? ? . We all know that vegetables are “good for us” and if we’re told to eat more of them, salads are usually the first thought for most people. The problem is,…

Buffalo Cauliflower Wings! Which would you choose? Cauliflower wings make a grea…

Buffalo Cauliflower Wings! Which would you choose? Cauliflower wings make a grea…

[ad_1] Buffalo Cauliflower Wings! Which would you choose? Cauliflower wings make a great healthier alternative to the traditional chicken wing. Did you know that one fried chicken wing with the skin on can be close to 150 calories and 10g fat per piece?! Cauliflower wings give you the same flavor and a similar crunchy texture,…