Post by @movingdietitian
One way to support a healthy immune system is to includ…

Post by @movingdietitian One way to support a healthy immune system is to includ…

Post by @movingdietitian✨ One way to support a healthy immune system is to include anti-inflammatory foods. The foods on the right contain compounds that have been shown to reduce anti-inflammatory markers in the body. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Diets high in the foods on the left have been shown to increase to increase inflammation. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you need…

The Problem with Our Food System Part II
When junk food is cheaper than the heal…

The Problem with Our Food System Part II When junk food is cheaper than the heal…

[ad_1] The Problem with Our Food System Part II When junk food is cheaper than the healthy option?.. Creds to @caloriefixes✨ Have you noticed this too? ⠀ Every day, when we’re out and about, we are often faced with two choices: Choose the very cheap “junk food” option or Spend often, more than double, and…

Basil: Fortifies the digestive and nervous system and can be a good remedy for h…

Basil: Fortifies the digestive and nervous system and can be a good remedy for h…

[ad_1] Basil?: Fortifies the digestive and nervous system and can be a good remedy for headaches and insomnia. Basil also contains anti-inflammatory oils that protect the joints and enhance digestive health. ✨ There are two things I feel silly buying; 1. Hummus 2. Pesto. They are both so simple to make and can be cheaper…