Yay for Sunday pasta  Today I had tagliatelle cooked in a homemade béchamel sauc…

Yay for Sunday pasta Today I had tagliatelle cooked in a homemade béchamel sauc…

[ad_1] Yay for Sunday pasta ? Today I had ?tagliatelle cooked in a homemade béchamel sauce with sundried ?and peas. Very simple but ultra delicious ? I probably should have put this in my usual black bowl so you guys could see how creamy it was, I have no idea why I used this bowl…

Lentil bolognese with tagliatelle anyone?  I have a recipe for lentil bolognese …

Lentil bolognese with tagliatelle anyone? I have a recipe for lentil bolognese …

[ad_1] Lentil bolognese with tagliatelle anyone? ? I have a recipe for lentil bolognese in my first cookbook ‘wholesome’. I’ve eaten a little too much these evening and I’m feeling very uncomfortable ? Maybe I’ll just sleep it off ? ~ What is your favourite source of vegan protein? #veganbysomi ❤️ [ad_2] Source

Currently tucking into this plate of tagliatelle with courgettes, sundried  and …

Currently tucking into this plate of tagliatelle with courgettes, sundried and …

[ad_1] Currently tucking into this plate of tagliatelle with courgettes, sundried ? and prawns! This recipe is super simple and will be up on my blog shortly ? ~ For those who asked what a flexitarian is – it is a plant-based diet with the occasional addition of animal-based proteins. Flexitarian best describes my current…