Broccoli + chickpea ’cheezy’ patties (oil-free, gluten-free) with easy guacamole…

Broccoli + chickpea ’cheezy’ patties (oil-free, gluten-free) with easy guacamole…

[ad_1] ?Broccoli + chickpea ’cheezy’ patties (oil-free, gluten-free) with easy guacamole ?It’s Saturday and I’m exhausted. Haven’t been feeling great this week physically. It’s funny how many people say to me, ‘You eat so well, you shouldn’t get sick!’ But stress trumps almost everything and it’s been a busy week! Here’s to lots of sleep…

Best Baked Beans with avocado toast (topped with hemp seeds)(oil-free recipe) Re…

Best Baked Beans with avocado toast (topped with hemp seeds)(oil-free recipe) Re…

[ad_1] ?Best Baked Beans with avocado toast (topped with hemp seeds)?(oil-free recipe) Read this quote today, ‘I moved to the internet to be closer to my children.’ Not sure whether to laugh or cry???Have a good Thursday friends ?. ?Recipe: Cook 1 diced onion and 3 minced garlic cloves in a little vegetable broth (or…

Barbecue ‘pulled pork’ (jackfruit) stuffed russets (I borrowed Conny’s styling a…

Barbecue ‘pulled pork’ (jackfruit) stuffed russets (I borrowed Conny’s styling a…

[ad_1] ?Barbecue ‘pulled pork’ (jackfruit) stuffed russets? (I borrowed Conny’s styling again @plantbased_food_and_travel because she’s awesome!?) Happy Easter and hope you all have a relaxing day.☺️ ?Recipe: Rinse and drain 2-14oz cans young (green) jackfruit. Cook 1 onion (small dice) in a little water (or olive oil) until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add 3 garlic…

Simple chickpea + cauliflower stew with farro (substitute any grain)
Recipe: Mak…

Simple chickpea + cauliflower stew with farro (substitute any grain) Recipe: Mak…

[ad_1] ?Simple chickpea + cauliflower stew with farro (substitute any grain)? ?Recipe: Make 1 cup farro following packet directions. Cook 1 small yellow onion (finely diced), 3 garlic cloves (minced) and 1 medium carrot (small dice) in a little vegetable broth (or olive oil) until onion softened, adding more broth as needed. Stir in 2…

Crispy Cajun tofu with Cajun-inspired yellow riceServed with charred shishito pe…

Crispy Cajun tofu with Cajun-inspired yellow riceServed with charred shishito pe…

[ad_1] ?Crispy Cajun tofu with Cajun-inspired yellow rice?Served with charred shishito peppers and crinkle-cut cucumbers. This was dinner last night and so yummy. (Bowl styling inspired by @lea.bowls.your.mind. You must check out her amazing feed.) ?Recipe Tofu: Wrap 1-14oz block extra-firm tofu with paper towels. Press with heavy object on top until excess liquid drains….

Cream of chickpea + cauliflower soup I’ve been doing some experimenting with my …

Cream of chickpea + cauliflower soup I’ve been doing some experimenting with my …

[ad_1] ?Cream of chickpea + cauliflower soup? I’ve been doing some experimenting with my creamy soup recipes lately. In this latest recipe, I used chickpeas to thicken the soup and add some protein to it. Worked like a charm. It turned out SOUPER delicious. (Sooo corny!!!) Hope you’ll try?. ?Recipe: Cook 2 large leeks (medium…

Crispy crinkle fries with sriracha-ketchup and easy guacamole. Nothing like crin…

Crispy crinkle fries with sriracha-ketchup and easy guacamole. Nothing like crin…

[ad_1] ?Crispy crinkle fries with sriracha-ketchup and easy guacamole.? Nothing like crinkle fries when you need a pick-me-up! If fries can’t cheer you up, not sure anything can!!! (These are not oil-free because my kids were craving what they call, ‘the real thing’! Usually I do make them oil-free and use a silicone mat so…

Blackened tofu noodle bowl (gluten-free + oil-free option)Taking tofu to another…

Blackened tofu noodle bowl (gluten-free + oil-free option)Taking tofu to another…

[ad_1] ?Blackened tofu noodle bowl (gluten-free + oil-free option)?Taking tofu to another level!!! The blackened flavor and look comes from the spice mix I used…not because I left them in the oven too long?. Very delicious friends. ? ?Recipe: Tofu: press and pat dry 1-14oz block extra-firm tofu, removing excess liquid. Cut into 6 rectangular…

Garbanzos in easy-to-whip-up Gochujang inspired sauceServed with @lotusfoods bro…

Garbanzos in easy-to-whip-up Gochujang inspired sauceServed with @lotusfoods bro…

[ad_1] ?Garbanzos in easy-to-whip-up Gochujang inspired sauce?Served with @lotusfoods brown jasmine rice. ?Recipe: (Option: you can soak the dates in hot water for a few minutes beforehand for easier blending.) Blend in small food processor or blender: 6 pitted + finely chopped medjool dates, 3 tbsp water and 2-1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Once there…

Cauliflower ‘Hot Wings’ with oil-free and gluten-free options I decided to try m…

Cauliflower ‘Hot Wings’ with oil-free and gluten-free options I decided to try m…

[ad_1] ?Cauliflower ‘Hot Wings’ with oil-free and gluten-free options? I decided to try making my own version of cauliflower ‘hot wings’ after seeing the amazing cauliflower bites on my talented IG friend Woonie’s feed @woon.heng .You know I’m always up for a culinary experiment ??‍?! I used some of my pantry staples and they were…