Dukan Cheese Bread

Dukan Cheese Bread

|| Dukan Cheese Bread ||
Phase: From the cruise.
? Note: It is possible to adapt to the attack phase by replacing the cheese with cottage light.
⚫Obs: Ingredients:
➖Massa: 1 whole egg (skinless and well beaten), 3 slices of light white cheese, 6 colas of skimmed milk powder, 10 teaspoons of cheese essence, 1 teaspoon of yeast.
Preparation Method: Beat the egg well and mix with the other ingredients. Mix the yeast last. Bake in preheated oven for 15-20min.

||Pão de Queijo Dukan||
?Fase: A partir da cruzeiro.
?Atenção: É possível adaptar para a fase ataque substituindo o queijo por cottage light.
⚫Obs: Ingredientes:
➖Massa: 1 ovo inteiro (sem pele e bem batido), 3 fatias de queijo branco light, 6 col de leite em pó desnatado, 10 col de chá de essência de queijo, 1 col de chá de fermento.
➖Modo de preparo: Bater bem o ovo e misturar com os outros ingredientes. Misturar o fermento por último. Assar em forno pré-aquecido por 15-20min.
?curta @comidaria_dukan
?In english in the comments
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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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