Dukan Gelatin Pudding

Dukan Gelatin Pudding

Dukan Gelatin Pudding
INGREDIENTS: 1 Liter of skimmed milk, 1 pot of skimmed yogurt, 2 gelatinas zero (flavor that you prefer).
PREPARATION: Bring the skimmed milk to the heat until it is warm. Put in the blender with the gelatines and the skim yogurt. Beat for 10 minutes at full speed. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Ready!

||Pudim de Gelatina Dukan||
?Fase: Todas.
⚫Obs: Receita.
➖INGREDIENTES: 1 Litro de leite desnatado, 1 potinho de iogurte desnatado, 2 gelatinas zero (sabor que preferir).
➖PREPARO: Leve o leite desnatado ao fogo até que fique morno. Coloque no liquidificador com as gelatinas e o iorgute desnatado. Bata por 10 minutos em velocidade máxima. Leve para gelar por 2 horas. Pronto!
?curta @comidaria_dukan
?In english in the comments
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My name is Bette. I'm a 34 year old female from Turkey. My occupation is a website designer and I work from a home office. I have struggled with my weight since puberty. Still figuring out.

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