And a few extra things to consider Firstly, do you need to snack pre-workout?…
And a few extra things to consider
Firstly, do you need to snack pre-workout?
Not everyone needs to snack pre-workout. The purpose of a snack is to keep you from becoming over-hungry between meals. If you have eaten a well-balanced meal in the hours prior to your work out, you will probably be fine. If you’re trying to lose weight, skipping a snack may be beneficial–as long as you’re not hungry.
What should you choose?
It is always a good idea to include some carbs in your pre-workout snack as this is the muscles preferred source of energy. The snack you choose depends on the type and intensity of training, your training goals, and your individual tolerance for certain foods. Any foods that lead to gut symptoms are not a good idea pre-workout.
In terms of protein, the most important thing for muscle building is that you get adequate protein across your whole day, regardless of the timing.
If you are trying to lose weight…
Listen to your hunger cues, if you are hungry before a workout then you should eat! However, be mindful of the calories that your snack gives you. Weight loss will be more difficult if you consume more calories in an additional pre-workout snack than you expend during your workout. A coffee or yoghurt and fruit and lower calorie options you could try.