Chicken Salad Meal Prep Tasty! Tasty! Lunchtime convenience!

Chicken Salad Meal Prep Tasty! Tasty! Lunchtime convenience!


{NEW} Chicken Salad Meal Prep ?

Tasty! Tasty! Lunchtime convenience!

Rachel’s Tips:
I REALLY prefer golden raisins over the typical raisins we all grew up with.
Golden raisins are much more plump, juicy and delicious, fruitier, lighter flavor.
Have you tried them yet?

When choosing healthier crackers:
Read the ingredients label.
There are varieties made out of oatmeal, sprouted oat flours, and even nuts these days that are all great options.
The very most important thing is that your crackers do NOT contain partially hydrogenated oils.
Also look for no added sugar.

makes 4 servings

1 Tbsp olive oil or avocado oil
1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
4 stalks crisp celery, chopped small
4 green onions, sliced
1/2 cup golden raisins
1/2 cup roasted cashews, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 Tbsp raw honey
1 tsp mild curry powder
sea salt and pepper to taste, about 1/4 teaspoon each
To Serve:
2 small apples, cut in half
4 lemon slices
2 cups organic grapes, rinsed and air dried well
4 packs oatmeal, or whole wheat crackers


Heat the oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Add chicken and sear on both sides, making sure you season it as desired.

Cook until golden brown, and no longer pink in the inside (usually around 4 minutes per side depending on thickness), then transfer to your cutting board and allow meat to rest, and cool for a couple of minutes before chopping.

Using a very sharp knife, carefully chop your cooked chicken breast into small cubes as shown.

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In a large bowl, combine chicken, celery, green onions, golden raisins, cashews, yogurt, lemon juice, honey and curry powder.
Stir well to combine well, then taste and adjust seasonings as you desire. (I usually like a bit more lemon and curry powder…but that’s just me!) Divide your chicken salad equally among 4 clean glass food prep/bento type containers, then add in some extras like half an apple (place a thin lemon slice on the cut side of the apple to keep it from browning), clean grapes and oatmeal crackers (keep



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