Eating more legumes (AKA pulses) has been shown to be so beneficial to our healt…

Eating more legumes (AKA pulses) has been shown to be so beneficial to our healt…

Eating more legumes (AKA pulses) has been shown to be so beneficial to our healt…

Eating more legumes (AKA pulses) has been shown to be so beneficial to our health and is an area that I definitely need to improve in. Benefits include:
✔️They’re high in dietary fibre, helping to keep us regular ?, and improve our gut microbiota.
✔️The soluble fibre in legumes helps to lower total and bad cholesterol levels.
✔️Legumes have a low glycemic index which has positive effects on blood sugar levels and satiety.
✔️They contain a good amount of protein. ?? ✔️Legumes are rich in B group vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
✔️They’re a good source of antioxidants ❤️
Not only are they super healthy but they’re cheap!
Dry or canned are both good options. Canned do tend to have added sodium so check the label to chose the brand with the least.
They’re super easy to include in your diet in loads of different ways. Here’s some ideas.
How do you use legumes?
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