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Salmon Sunday is a big DILL around here. GARLIC DILL CHIMICHURRI GRAIN FREE GNOCCHI and SPICY MUSTARD SALMON! Happy Sunday loves! Made this meal last night and it was DILL-ICIOUS! I had a bunch of fresh dill so I made a chimichurri with it. Currently enjoying the leftover sauce with some pasta. How was your weekend? I spent the day exploring the city yesterday with the kids and cousins…eating gluten free pizza, thrift shopping…it was just lovely. Getting cold here, and I’ll be meal prepping and watching football the rest of the day. What did you do this weekend?⠀
Deets: Wild @sitkasalmonshares salmon seasoned with salt, pepper, mustard powder and paprika and seared in coconut oil for 2 minutes over medium high (skin side up), then added a little coconut aminos to the pan, flipped it and covered reducing heat to low for 5-6 minutes. @cappellos grain free gnocchi Air fried for 10 minutes, then tossed in this sauce. CHIMICHURRI: 1 head of parsley, one head dill, 3 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon coconut aminos, 2 shakes red pepper flakes, juice from 1/2 lemon squeezed, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 cup olive oil. Process in food processor until smooth. serve with spinach, avocado and some vegan Parmesan.



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