Let’s break these down a bit…
​1. ‘No carbs after 3pm.’ I don’t even know wh…

Let’s break these down a bit… ​ ​1. ‘No carbs after 3pm.’ I don’t even know wh…

Let’s break these down a bit…
​1. ‘No carbs after 3pm.’ I don’t even know wh…

Let’s break these down a bit…

​1. ‘No carbs after 3pm.’ I don’t even know where to start with this one, but put simply – our bodies don’t care what time it is. Carbs are the easiest macro for us to use as energy, Nourishment should always be number one. 

​2. ‘Fresh is more nutritious.’ Frozen fruits and veg are often found to have HIGHER nutrient levels than fresh because they’re snap frozen at the time of picking/harvesting which essentially locks the nutrients in. Fresh food loses some nutrient value in the food miles it travels between the farm and the shops. Have a combo!

​3. ‘You can eat endless saturated fat’. Whilst the evidence has shifted a bit in this space over the past few years due to to complex nature of saturated fats and also the vary TYPES of saturated fat, the consensus is that these should still be limited. The more saturated fat we eat, the less of the health enhancing unsaturated fats we are likely to consume.

​4. ‘Bread is bad.’ Wholegrain breads are a VERY healthy choice. Highly refined white breads should be limited. 

​5. ‘Expensive salt is better than normal salt.’ Regardless of whether it’s table salt, Himalayan salt or sea salt, our bodies process it in the same way. 

​6. Dairy is bad. There is a huge amount of evidence now that shows that even some full fat dairy foods have health benefits due to the complex nutrient profile. Ice cream and butter not included. 

​Do you have any nutrition questions that you want answered? Share with me below ?

ALSO READ  Cauliflower mash + SPINACH & FETA TURKEY BURGERS + grilled broccolini


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