Link in bio to sign up for my free Essential #Volumeeating course (waitlist is n…

Link in bio to sign up for my free Essential #Volumeeating course (waitlist is n…

Link in bio to sign up for my free Essential #Volumeeating course (waitlist is n…

Link in bio to sign up for my free Essential #Volumeeating course (waitlist is now open!)

Whilst 115 calories doesn’t seem a lot, these small number of calories can add up across the years.

Weight loss is not as simple as calories but it is a good way to get an idea of how small changes can add up!

For example.
In order to lose 0.5kg per week we need to reduce our calorie intake by approx 500 calories.

0.5kg per week across 1 year is 26kg.

115/500 = 23%

23% of 26kg = 6kg worth of calories per year.

There are other things at play (set point, basal metabolic rate changes that come with weight loss for example) but my point is that small changes can absolutely add up.


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