What Superbowl food are you making?! Comment below!
Typically superbowl food …

What Superbowl food are you making?! Comment below! . Typically superbowl food …

What Superbowl food are you making?! Comment below!
Typically superbowl food is more rich and “indulgent”. It might be higher in calories and has a 97% chance of being covered in cheese ? But guess what?! You can enjoy it. And you don’t need to change a thing about the rest of your day.
“Cutting back” will only backfire on you by basically you swimming in the queso sauce, drinking it up. Or with brownie crumbs all over your face from the 7 super cute football shaped ones you ate in 0.67 seconds.
Here are my biggest tips for eating at any event:
1️⃣ Don’t restrict earlier
2️⃣ Aim to enter it at a comfortable hunger level. Too hungry and you’ll be a vacuum cleaner and too full you won’t enjoy the food and probs get an uncomfortable tummy ache.
3️⃣ Survey the food first and decide what YOU want. This is likely a mix of “what am I craving?” and “what will make my body feel good?”. Sometimes one of these questions might hold more weight than the other and that’s ok!
4️⃣ Don’t ruminate on your choices. Make some that didn’t feel good? No worries, noted for next time. Moving on!
Listening to your body is the best nutrition advice I can give. And don’t forget our body includes our BRAIN which houses, yes, our cravings, but also our nutrition knowledge. Not having food rules is about finding an effortless balance between the two.
Link in bio to snag a copy of my free e-book that will help you learn to actually “listen to your body” so that you can understand how each of these makes your body feel so that you can make the best decision for you in that moment. Listening to your body isn’t always “what am I craving!” like Instagram makes you think, checkout the e-book for how to ACTUALLY do it!

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